
Extends: (None)

The MarkupModel class is the base model used for rendering tag helper content to a template file.


Type: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers.TagHelperOutput

This property represents the HTML content of the <label>. It is not nullable because the <label> will never be null.


Type: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers.TagHelperOutput?

This property represents the HTML content of the <input>. It is nullable because some tag helpers don't output an <input> (such as <check-input-group>) and some configurations will render the <input> as a child of the <label>.


Type: object

This property represents the configuration options for the tag helper. This is a copy of the configuration object from dependency injection made special for the template file during tag helper execution, so it is safe to mutate.

This property is an object because Razor templates can't have generic models. By making it an object, you can have use custom options classes without breaking built-in template files.